Electronic devices are a hot item among kids nowadays. From smartphones and game stations that allow online play to computers and tablets – most children either have a device or have access to one. Setting ground rules and limits is important. Keeping an open dialog with your child about appropriate use is imperative.
When I first learned about the Smart Talk website, created by LifeLock, I sat down with my son and started a lesson.
My son hopped up in my lap at my desk so we could go through each step of the website together.
Some of the lessons and guidelines we discussed were already well known in our home. We had set ground rules the very first day he received his iPod. However, using the Smart Talk Tool was a nice refresher. We both giggled over his debate on changing the time limits and bedtime on weekends. I really enjoyed making the contract together so there were no surprises to my son.
Every step was very clear on what I expected and what he understood. The best part was the anti-bullying clause and discussing what is appropriate to say in text messages or online games and what is not. Not only did we discuss safety but we also discussed being respectful.
Once our contract was completed, we printed it out to look over. Both my son and I agreed on each limit.
Visit the Smart Talk site to check out the online safety resources and create your own personalized family contract to encourage healthy digital habits.
Then, of course, we each signed it! The contract has been filed away in my office where my son knows to find it should he ever have a question about a rule. It’ll be nice to go over these again in a year or two to see if maturity has allowed for some changes.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Does your child have an electronic device or smartphone?